Various components of a vehicle such as a battery can be affected by regular driving on challenging terrains and changing weather conditions. With the regular use and extreme weather conditions can have adverse effects on the life span of a battery, and it is essential to properly maintain the car battery for maximum usage. It is important for car owners to thoroughly check the car’s battery and its other major auto parts regularly. This will help in minimizing the risk of sudden breakdown and to improve the vehicle’s performance in the long run.
Motorists should know about a few important things that can help in increasing the battery life such as frequent checking and maintenance of a battery. The lack of maintenance and not checking the battery regularly can lead to its draining and poor battery health. There can be several reasons as why car battery can drain and by knowing and understanding all the essential details car owners can avoid things that drain the battery. This way, car owners would be able to maintain their car battery in the best way, rather than bearing the cost entailed in replacing them.
Know here all about as why a vehicle’s battery drains and how motorists can maintain good battery health while using their vehicles regularly.
Not Switching Off the Car Headlights
Car owners can sometimes leave the cabin light on or forget to switch off headlights as they left their car in a hurry and they mistakenly did not check it. There can be many causes of not switching off the headlights of car such as the driver or occupants are getting late or in a rush to reach somewhere.
Car owners should know that leaving the headlights on will surely cause the draining of the car’s battery. Most often this is the most probable cause that the vehicle’s battery is drained, hence it does not turn on. The latest range of vehicles are equipped with advanced features such as alarming the motorists if the headlights are left on. One should, therefore, need to pay close attention to avoid draining of a car battery by switching off the headlights whenever leaving the vehicle.
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Faulty Alternator
Another important factor that can cause a car battery to drain is due to faulty charging system of a car battery. As this will not let the battery to get charged quickly, while the car’s battery drains fast than normal. Avoiding to fix this issue can eventually lead the car battery draining fully and leaving motorist stranded at unexpected places. With faulty or loose alternator of a battery, it will not be able to charge properly as the basic component of the charging system is the alternator.
Motorists Should Avoid Short Drive
Every time a car engine is turned on then a major portion of the battery is used. Along with that, some time is needed for the battery to revive the power. This is why taking short trips can further deteriorate the health of a car’s battery. It is suggested therefore, that taking excessive short trips must be avoided in order to avoid the battery draining faster.
Check the Terminals for Corrosion
While maintaining a car’s battery, car owners should consider checking the rust on the terminals of a car battery and take timely measures. The rust can get into any place where there is water or moisture, which can sometimes cause the battery’s connections to get corroded if left unchecked over time. This will cause a disruption in the charging which in-turn will cause the discharging of the battery. Therefore, it is recommended to get the battery terminal connectors replaced, when motorists find some rust on it.
Wearing Out of Car’s Battery
Worn out car battery is another important cause of a battery draining that is often overlooked by motorists is to realize. When a battery of a vehicle is old, it is quite possible that the battery has lost the recharging strength and abilities. Generally, a car battery would probably last for about 3 years or less when used regularly. This is why car owners should get the car battery replaced rather than getting it recharged when the battery has worn out.
Final Takeaway
Car battery is one of the most important mechanical part of any vehicle, which is why it needs regular service and proper maintenance. To ensure that the vehicle is performing excellently, then it is essential for motorists to frequently check the maintenance of their cars to make sure that they are not overlooking anything. Car owners can keep their car’s battery in best possible condition by avoiding the afore-mentioned causes of battery draining. Those who want to sell their old car in order to upgrade to a new vehicle, can choose the most reliable platform offered by the specialist car buying company to sell their old vehicle in a quick and hassle-free manner.